
Primary school ,,Elpida Karamandi"- Bitola

ООУ Елпида Караманди

The primary school "Elpida Karamandi" - Bitola is located in the local community "Vasko Karangelevski", on the same street, covering the students from that local community and part of the local community "Jonce Murdzevski" - Bitola, which covers the population in the settlement Nova Bitola.
 As part of the School, the regional eight-year school in the village of Capari covers the population from the villages of Capari, Rotino, Ramna, Gorno Srpci, Lera, Kazani, Dolenci, Gjavato and Maloviste and the regional four-year school in the village of Dolenci covers students of Albanian nationality.

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